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Dos carré collé  170x240  78 pages  ISBN : 9782332543431 Parution : mai 2013

Introduction to the Theory of consciousness

Édouard Asseo


The Theory of consciousness is composed of three books each intended for specialists: Theory of Knowledge for physicists, Conscious Systems for specialists in cognitive sciences and the Subject Universe which is a philosophical presentation of the Theory. This introductory book is the only one (at time of publication) to have been translated into English. Even before starting to read one of these books, comes to the mind the question of the possibility of such a theory. In a relatively simple presentation, this text is devoted to answering this question. Science in general and Physics in particular are based on the postulate of objectivity. Inspired by Hegel, Husserl and Bergson, the Theory of consciousness essentially consists in calling the postulate into question. As a result it gives a vision of the universe as an all-inclusive whole comprising the objective world and the subjective world and also a new paradigm in Physics.

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