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Joddie Crossey

Joddie Crossey

Born on August, 3rd, 1985, Joddie Crossey has always got a way to move her close ones, and many other people, by her personality, her character, but above all by her uncommon sensitivity. She’s started writing her novels at the age of 21, but she’s already expressed her passion for writing at 14 years old, through poems and songs. At only just 18 years old, with her high school diploma, she decided to go to law school, until she actually realized that she’s always had a passion for writing and English since she was 14 years old. She decided, at 22 years old, to go to English literature university, where she really understood what was her way, her destiny. Then, she met the love of her life at 25 years old, who supported her in getting her novels published.

Born on August, 3rd, 1985, Joddie Crossey has always got a way to move her close ones, and many other people, by her personality, her character, but above all by her uncommon sensitivity. She’s started writing her novels at the age of 21, but she’s already expressed her passion for writing at 14 years old, through poems and songs. At only just 18 years old, with her high school diploma, she decided to go to law school, until she actually realized that she’s always had a passion for writing and English since she was 14 years old. She decided, at 22 years old, to go to English literature university, where she really understood what was her way, her destiny. Then, she met the love of her life at 25 years old, who supported her in getting her novels published.

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