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Dos carré collé  170x240  354 pages  ISBN : 9782332502810 Parution : juin 2012

My sea to your shore

Joddie Crossey


Twenty-five year-old Brooklynn is about to tie her life to another, with her feet on the sand, when she takes a look back on the past ten years that brought her back there each time she wanted to give up on her life. She brings us to her resentful, painful past, with a bittersweet feeling of an achieved struggle against herself, a struggle where she made herself her own enemy since she was fifteen years old. She's always belonged to the water, until someone special transformed that lonely, dark and lost girl into someone reborn, and complete at the touch of sand and literature. Through violence, loss, rebellion, jealousy, family, war, cheating and distance, she's learned to run against the wind thanks to poetry and love, and to get through her unwillingness to follow the rules of society.

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