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Dos carré collé  155x235  360 pages  ISBN : 9782414502004 Parution : octobre 2020

International Relations and Franco-Amerruk Foreign Policy and Co-operation 680-2020

Ben Kirat

Sciences Humaines

There are several works on French foreign policy outlining the main preoccupation of France’s East-West relations and its role in Europe. Though, more work is becoming available, in French, on French foreign policy and colonialism, there remains a wide gap to cover bilateral co-operation between many of the independent African and Imazighen States. Most of the works cover the geopolitical dimension of a region rather than the specific relations of one country to another. Because of this, French foreign policy towards Amerruk is also a neglected subject, which deserves study, not only because very little is written about the subject in French, but also because there is even less work written in English covering.

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