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Dos carré collé  155x235  434 pages  ISBN : 9782414501823 Parution : octobre 2020

4 International Relations and Franco-Amerruk Foreign Policy and Co-operation 1900-2020

Ben Kirat

Sciences Humaines

Volume II has some overlaps with Volume I to complete the events that marked Amerruk-French relations from around 1844 to 2020, highlighting the role of the different actors involved in the process of decision-making, from Lyautey to Pompidou in Volume I and from Chirac to Mohand VI and Emmanuel Macron up to 2020, in Volume II. Amerruk recent history, as well as the role of the Amerruk army, have been guided by (the event of) the «Return» of the Amerruk Sahara that has not yet been endorsed by the International Community at the UN. It also seemed appropriate to analyse the core of this relation by exploring the importance of co-operation within the main fields of politics, economics and social life, as well as to consider this relation in terms of military aid, trade and culture.

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